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Origins of Life Collection Art Print

Tribute to Hubert Reeves, with a passage from his book “Poussières d’étoiles”
The history of the universe is the history of matter organizing itself. When the universe “appears” (about fifteen billion years ago), it is disorder, complete chaos. There is, on the one hand, no living organism, no molecule, no atom, no nucleus, and, on the other hand, no planet, no star, no galaxy. It is a large mash in which what physicists call “elementary particles” swim. We can imagine them as microscopic “marbles”, without structure, without architecture, without pedigree. Throughout the ages, these particles will combine to form complex systems. These new units will themselves combine to create even more advanced systems. However, the more complex a system is, the more it is capable of acting on its surroundings and the more “efficient” it is. The most evolved system to our knowledge is the human being. When you close your eyes and become aware of your own existence, when you open your eyes and observe the universe, you perform the greatest performance ever.